There are tutors, there are financial aid programs and there are college readiness organizations. The PEP Program is all of these things. And yet, we’re different.
Our approach is grounded in the belief that a successful student is one who is well-rounded. Yes, we believe academic success is important – that’s at the heart of what we do. But it’s not everything. Our team of certified teachers, academic specialists, committed trustees, and volunteers have come together to guide Summit students in the following areas:

We provide tutoring, academic support, and guidance to develop the foundational academic skills necessary for students to master their coursework and achieve academic success as a means to reaching college or post-secondary education.
Enrichment and Extra-Curricular Activities
Throughout the year, PEP provides a multitude of cultural experiences that give students an opportunity to kick back, but that also instill in them an appreciation of culture and of how their academic knowledge applies to “real world” professions.

Community Service
Good citizenship is at the core of the PEP program, and students are guided towards becoming productive and responsible members of the community. As such, PEP Program partners with many local organizations through which students fulfill annual community service requirements.

College & Career Readiness
PEP provides workshops, activities and services to expose students to colleges and careers and to help them navigate through the college admissions process. We work to instill in them the desire to achieve a post-secondary education and to understand what that will mean for their lives, while helping them prepare for every step of that process.

Social-Emotional Development
We help students develop social and emotional skills necessary to address life’s challenges in healthy ways. Through our program, students learn to address difficult issues, manage stress, examine the consequences of their choices, and along the way, develop the self-confidence necessary to make the most of their endeavors.
College Support
Once admitted into college, PEP program helps to ensure our students’ success. From move-in, to class selection assistance, to the monitoring of their academic progress and socio-emotional well-being, we’re committed to helping our students make the most of their post-secondary experience.

The PEP Program is truly unique. To learn more about what sets us apart, speak to a PEP representative today by calling 908-277-1106.